Ireland Active - Sports Energy Support Scheme
Opens Feb 26 2024 12:00 PM (GMT)
Deadline Mar 28 2024 11:59 PM (GMT)

Sports Energy Support Scheme


  • The Swimming Pool is publicly accessible (minimum qualifying criteria).
  • The Swimming Pool provides swimming lessons that are accessible to the general public. (minimum qualifying criteria).
  • The Sports Energy Support Scheme (SESS) will contribute to the increased energy costs associated with providing swimming pool-related activity only.
  • Maximum grant funding  available combining TBESS , SESS and any other subsidy is 100% of overall increases.
  • The Eligibility period will relate to increased costs sustained between September 1st 2022 to July 31st 2023 VS Sept 2021 to July 2022
  • Non-energy related increases are ineligible. These include increased costs in accommodation, rent, rates or labour costs.
  • Fuel costs associated with machinery, vehicles, travel or transport do not qualify.
  • Pre-existing debts or deficits do not qualify.
  • Energy costs associated with non-sporting activities, such as bars, restaurants, etc., are not eligible under SESS
  • Organisations applying for support must own/lease the swimming pool or be the primary utility bill payer.
  • The Scheme is aimed at supporting swimming pools in the Republic of Ireland only.

Swimming pool operators will be required to supply the following information. Please note that completion of this application does not guarantee funding.

All awards are subject to an administrative fee that is set at 3% for Ireland Active members and 6% for non-members

If at any later stage any information provided is found to be incorrect and untrue any amount given by Ireland active will be due to be repaid in full

A guide for completing the application can be found here

Ireland Active - Sports Energy Support Scheme

Sports Energy Support Scheme


  • The Swimming Pool is publicly accessible (minimum qualifying criteria).
  • The Swimming Pool provides swimming lessons that are accessible to the general public. (minimum qualifying criteria).
  • The Sports Energy Support Scheme (SESS) will contribute to the increased energy costs associated with providing swimming pool-related activity only.
  • Maximum grant funding  available combining TBESS , SESS and any other subsidy is 100% of overall increases.
  • The Eligibility period will relate to increased costs sustained between September 1st 2022 to July 31st 2023 VS Sept 2021 to July 2022
  • Non-energy related increases are ineligible. These include increased costs in accommodation, rent, rates or labour costs.
  • Fuel costs associated with machinery, vehicles, travel or transport do not qualify.
  • Pre-existing debts or deficits do not qualify.
  • Energy costs associated with non-sporting activities, such as bars, restaurants, etc., are not eligible under SESS
  • Organisations applying for support must own/lease the swimming pool or be the primary utility bill payer.
  • The Scheme is aimed at supporting swimming pools in the Republic of Ireland only.

Swimming pool operators will be required to supply the following information. Please note that completion of this application does not guarantee funding.

All awards are subject to an administrative fee that is set at 3% for Ireland Active members and 6% for non-members

If at any later stage any information provided is found to be incorrect and untrue any amount given by Ireland active will be due to be repaid in full

A guide for completing the application can be found here

Feb 26 2024 12:00 PM (GMT)
Mar 28 2024 11:59 PM (GMT)

Sports Energy Support Scheme (SESS)